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Heal the Children

I wanted to update all of you regarding a few milestones that Vinny has experienced over the last few weeks. I think it's very crucial to realize that he is now 5 years old and the most milestones we have experienced are happening currently. It's important to understand that we should not put an age cap on healing because anything is possible with consistency. Any win is a win whether it's small or big and it's important to celebrate them. Up to date, we are still detoxing with PBX, carboxy if we require a deeper cleaning, fulvic minerals, and of course glutathione. I have always shared our regimen because it's not a secret. Healing information should be public knowledge so that we can heal children from all over the world. Up to date "A Boy Named Vinny" has reached 20 different countries. I have connected with mothers and fathers from all over the world and the feeling is indescribable. When we healed our son I made sure that I would never stop paying it forward. I told God I would never stop sending the message and help more children thrive. For a year and a half, we have been advocating for others and that's how you pay it forward and help the next child . I will never forget being in your shoes where you watch your child regress and there's nothing we can do about it. It's incredibly painful and heartbreaking and currently, we are at 1 and 36 with autism, and soon the statistics will worsen. More children will lose their voice and self-help skills just like Vinny, breaking my soul.

One huge milestone for Vinny is that he is now trying many new foods. He prefers chicken and meatballs but this month has tried grass-fed steak, cajun chicken orzo, and spinach. This has never happened before he has never wanted to try so many new things and it makes me so thrilled for him. Steak has always been a consistency issue, too chewy, too tough, or just not on his radar. I've always presented him with different options but he's never actually gone for it how he is currently. The next big thing for Vinny is being self-aware of others especially when that person is not feeling well. The other day I was experiencing tooth pain and he immediately knew something was wrong with me. I made them dinner and after he was done eating he presented me with his plate and said "I'm sorry this happened to you." I could not believe he said that. I started to tear up because it made me so emotional. He then followed me to the couch, placed a blanket on me, gave me a stuffed animal, and said " I will sit with you until Daddy gets home from work." He is so empathetic and I love how much he cares for me. He was mimicking what I do for him when he is not feeling well. As you all know Vinny has had multiple dental visits due to molar breakage from PICA, and mineral depletion. He knows tooth pain is uncomfortable and wanted to ensure I was okay.

As you all know we just moved from our suburban home to the country and are currently an hour or more from our family. We decided to host Easter dinner with it being our first Easter in our farmhouse. The boys were so excited to have the family over and we spent the night before running to a few stores and preparing things for dinner. When we got home from running to multiple stores I realized I forgot something. I approached the boys in the living room and said " Hey guys I actually forgot something so we may have to run back out. " Vinny immediately shouted "No, I dont want to go to the store. " His tone was apparent and I decided to try to make this a learning lesson for him. As you know gentle parenting is not easy but we are trying the best we can with what we didn't have as children ourselves. I responded with "Vinny well there are things sometimes Mommy does not want to do but I do them because I love all of you so much." I went back into the kitchen and thought to myself " Did he understand what I just said? Was it too much? " About 10-15 minutes later Vinny comes to the kitchen and says "Mommy, we can go to the store. I am sorry I said that to you. I shouldn't have said that to you." After he left the room I immediately started to cry. Happy tears of course because I can't believe I have my baby back. I can't believe he is doing so well after detoxing him for over 3 plus years.

I'm glad I didn't give up on the circumstances that were presented to us in 2020. I had no idea what our outcome was going to be but one thing I did know is I was never giving up on him. I wanted my boy back. I knew he was in there. I knew in my heart once we peeled away layers of toxins he would eventually make his way back to his family. Many mothers have healed their children long before me however they remain silent due to judgment or harassment. I could've done the same but will keep my promise to God and the children and continue advocating. It's Autism Awareness Month Let us heal our children and provide them with the tools they need to thrive. Thank you for reading and supporting our blog and our journey.


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